学术报告通知——Research in Medical and Nuclear Robotics and Data Acquisition in Health-care Applications

日期:2017-10-13 来源:

题目:Research in Medical and Nuclear Robotics and Data Acquisition in Health-care Applications

主讲:Andy Weightman(博士生导师)


地点:工程实践与训练中心 4号楼自动化学院302会议室




专家简介:Andy Weightman,英国曼彻斯特大学博士,现为英国曼彻斯特大学教授,,在《IEEE Transactions on Learning Technologies》 、《Journal of Vision》《Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine》等期刊发表高水平SCI论文三十余篇,曾入围英国NHS创新奖。主要研究领域:Rehabilitation Robotics康复机器人技术、Medical devices and assistive technologies医疗器械和辅助技术、Next Generation Health-care Technology下一代医疗技术。



1.Research in Medical and Nuclear Robotics and Data Acquisition in Health-care Applications(医疗机器人、核化机器人以及医疗保健设备中的数据采集)

2.Information about Postgraduate MSc programmes in mechanics, aerospace and civil engineering in University of Manchester(曼彻斯特大学在机械、航空和土木工程等领域的研究生课程介绍)

3.A introduction to Young undergraduates Overseas immersion programme (CPD course) in University of Manchester(曼彻斯特大学开展的大学生政府海外奖学金计划介绍)