
日期:2013-10-24 来源:


(Quadrotor Control, Navigation and Applications)

主讲: Dongbing Gu教授 英国埃塞克斯大学

时间: 20131029日 下午14:30



DongbingGu教授简介:英国埃塞克斯大学计算机科学与电子工程系教授。研究方向为分布式控制算法、分布式信息融合、协同控制、模型预测控制、机器学习。Gu 教授在国际期刊、国际会议发表论文150余篇。研究项目得到英国皇家学会, 自然科学研究委员会(EPSRC),欧盟第七研发框架计划(EU FP7), 英国委员会(British Council)及其工业界的支持。Gu教授为国际杂志《Model, Identification andControl》编委,曾多次组织国际会议,为众多国际杂志审稿人,IEEE 高级会员,IEEE安全、营救机器人技术委员会及其IEEE/CIS 智能系统应用技术学会机器人工作组会员。


四旋翼直升机运动学、动力学模型、控制策略、视觉惯性定位方法及其应用 Quadrotors aresmall-sized, lightweight, and hand-launched autonomous aerialvehicles. Although they cannot fly for a long period of time, dueto battery limitations, they are able to fly in enclosed andconfined spaces for short periods of time. A group of MAVs has the potential todemonstrate a resilient behaviour over an area inaccessible orhostile to human personnel in order to gather valuable information.The potential real-world applications include monitoring pollution,tracking crime targets, detecting nuclear incidents, tracingchemical materials, monitoring ecological conditions, conductingmilitary reconnaissance and surveillance.In this talk, we will start with kinematic and dynamic model,present some control strategies, and introduce visual inertiallocalization approaches, and finally show some of their potentialapplications.