学术报告通知:The Design of Through-silicon Via (TSV)-based Inductors For Secure Tunable Internet-of-Things (IoT)

日期:2019-06-20 来源:

主讲: Bruce C. Kim  教授

时间:2019年6月21日 9:00



专家简介:Bruce C. Kim教授现供职于纽约城市大学,从事本科生和研究生教学工作,为国际微电子与封装协会(IMAPS)会员、IEEE CPMT 学会组委会成员,曾于1997年获得美国国家科学基金会奖。Bruce C. Kim教授在MEMS器件、纳米技术、纳米传感器、微电子封装、生物医学器件、片上系统、射频集成电路和混合集成电路等方面都有广泛的研究,曾获多家基金资助,发表二百余篇论文。Bruce C. Kim教授任IEEE Design and Test of Computers、IEEE Transactions on Advanced Components、Journal of Testing Technology、IMAPS Journal of Microelectroincs期刊责任编辑。


Internet-of-Things are becoming part of our everyday lives in consumer electronics as well as medical and avionics. IoT devices make up an information infrastructure; however, this infrastructure could be in danger due to cyber hardware uncertainties related to encryption, verification, Trojan hardware, and remote hacking. These uncertainties can lead to an unsafe regulatory environment, an unstable economy, increased cyber-security threats, and other major issues. Therefore, we need to protect the hardware from the circuit design phase to the manufacturing. However, the packaged IoT devices are difficult to protect against future Trojan virus due to their global design and manufacturing phases. Every IoT device has integrated Wi-Fi circuits. An integral RF component can also be realized using TSVs, thus reducing the footprint of the inductor on the die and making the inductance density per unit area much higher than that of the conventional 2D on-chip spiral inductors.

This seminar describes the design of through-silicon via (TSV)-based inductors for secure tunable Internet-of-Things (IoT). For a cybersecurity infrastructure, we designed 3D inductors with security hardware using physically unclonable function (PUF) circuit. The secure 3D inductor could be tuned to desirable frequency by using MEMS switches. Different fabrication techniques of 3D TSV inductors are provided to maintain high Q and inductance in high frequency.